Free Trial Period Extended... Again!

In response to player feedback, last month Square Enix gave all Final Fantasy XIV subscribers a free month, extending the 30 day free trial period to 60 days.

This week, Square Enix announced they would be giving their subscribers yet another free month, extending the free trial period to 90 days!

What prompted this extraordinary act?  Square Enix is in agreement that they did not give their customers the quality finished product they expected.  And they won't make us pay a dime in subscription fees until they deliver.  SE feels that they disappointed the players, and now they're bending over backwards to make it right.  A classy move, to be sure.

President of Square Enix Holdings, Yoichi Wada, recently stated that, “We understand that players are dissatisfied with Final Fantasy XIV and are currently hard at work to turn things around.  We’ll devote all our strength into regaining the trust of our customers.”

Since then, the game developers have granted a lot of face time answering questions and apologizing to unhappy players.

Hiromichi Tanaka had this to say to Eurogamer:

We believe players had a very high expectation of this title from the alpha and beta tests. We received a lot of feedback from the beta tests. The development team should have focused on shaping up the game during the beta process, but because we were really concentrating on de-bugging the game – fixing all the bugs – that's one of the reasons why we were not able to have all the requests implemented during the beta process.

That's why we do understand the reaction from the players, now the game's out. Therefore, the development team is working really hard to bring it back to the level we planned to have ready for the players.

In a recent interview with PC Gamer, Sage Sundi said this:

Also, after we got all the feedback during the beta stage, the players might’ve thought that we were not listening to them, because we were focusing on fixing the bugs – we need to make sure that they know that we are listening to them. We think more transparency is something very important between the development team and the players. But we believe when they see all the updates we are planning to do, they can be assured that we are listening to them and taking all their feedback seriously.

Full details about the extended trial period can be found here.

But in order that our customers can be catch a cheating spouse and did not ask like questions in otherwise areas we will all say openly. The answer how to catch a cheating husband and convince that nothing terrible is that it was not.

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