Ala Mhigo is at last free from imperial rule, but that liberty may prove fleeting as the Empire moves to reclaim this bloodied nation and subjugate all of Eorzea. In their hour of need, however, they cannot turn to the Warrior of Light. Nor to the Scions, who yet slumber, their souls adrift. The realm is left to struggle without its saviors, for they have been beckoned beyond time and space to the First. Here a new adventure begins in a world where light ushers all unto oblivion. But hope is not yet lost, for where there is light there is shadow.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of adventurers from the four corners of Eorzea, all save a handful of the eggs stolen from the Dreamer's tent were returned just in time for the Hatching Hour. But was the rite of summoning a success, or did poor Jihli end up with egg on her face?
The Raven was there with a front row seat to the ceremony.
Read more...FINAL FANTASY XIV fans the world round, the ninth Letter from the Producer has arrived for your viewing pleasure!
Read more...The Last Word – Storm over Gridania
The Raven, Gridania’s leading tabloid, alights today, bearing words as dark as its wings.
Strange anomalies have been surfacing across the region—subtle changes that have escaped the notice of much the citizenry. Not so the watchful eyes of reporter Kipih Jakkya, who has taken to the field to cast light upon the shadowy truth.
She writes to us now, baring the disconcerting fruits of her investigation for all to see.
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